Platform Info

Last updated: Feb 8th, 2021


  • Epoch duration: 12 hours

  • Every deposit & withdrawal of share will lock up shares for 4 epochs, and rewards for 2 epochs. Likewise, every claim of cash rewards will lock up shares for 4 epochs and the next claim of cash rewards can only be done 2 epochs later.


BUSD reward: 1,000

WBNB reward: 1,000

CAKE reward: 1,000

BTCB reward: 2,000

MSC/WBNB reward: 45,000


Current Shares Pools (Multiplier Rewards):

MSC/BUSD will distribute 40% of the total MSS supply with the emission rate decreasing 7% every week.

MSS/BUSD will distribute 40% of the total MSS supply with the emission rate decreasing 7% every week.

MSC/WBNB will distribute 20% of the total MSS supply with the emission rate decreasing 7% every week.


MSB (bond tokens) are always on sale, however, a purchase during epoch expansion as well as selling bonds during the contractionary phase will result in a net loss.

Last updated